Hey, World! 你好世界!
We are a family of five from Minnesota in the United States. Xander 展涛, Vaughn 展望 and Quinn 可馨 have been learning mandarin Chinese since preschool. Watch Hey, World! 你好世界! exclusively on YouTube to join us as we seek to have fun and learn something new every day.
我们是一个来自明尼苏达州的五口之家。展涛、展望和可馨从学前班起就一直在学习中文。欢迎在 YouTube 上的 Hey, World! 你好世界! 加入我们,我们每一天都在找寻快乐并学习一些新的东西。
Vaughn 展望
Xander 展涛
Quinn 可馨
••• ABOUT US •••
Hey, World! 你好世界! is a fun look at our family’s daily life and adventures. We enjoy exploring our own community as much as we love traveling the world. Most of all, we want to connect with viewers like you from around the world.
Hey, World! 你好世界! 是关于我们家的日常生活和趣闻。我们很喜欢探索我们的社区,就像我们喜欢到世界各地去旅游一样。最主要的,我们想与世界各地像你们一样的观众进行交流。
Join the conversation now by becoming a Hey, World! 你好世界! YouTube subscriber to be among the first to discuss the latest episode. You can also help decide where we go and what we do next by sending us your questions and ideas at heyworldshow.com. Join us as we say, "Hey, World! 你好世界!" with new episodes always coming soon!
现在就加入我们成为 Hey, World! 你好世界! 的订阅者,以便能第一时间讨论我们最新的视频。你们也可以通过在 heyworldshow.com 上发送你们的问题和想法来帮助我们决定下一个视频里去哪里玩或者做些什么。正如我们所说的,赶快加入我们,"Hey, World! 你好世界!" 新一期的视频很快到来。
Connect with us now on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or right here.
We want to hear from you! Have a question about life in America, China and Chinese culture, world travel or what it's like to be a Mandarin-immersion family? Want to know more about an average day in the United States? Our food? Sports? Games? Likes? Dislikes? Let us know! If we use your idea, we'll be sure to mention you in a future episode!
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